

Pitt County Businesses Win Grants to Build Next-Generation Technologies

北卡罗来纳科学技术委员会 & 创新 announced today that 101 北卡罗莱纳 small businesses have received 117 grants to advance the commercialization of innovative new technologies. “一个北卡罗莱纳小企业计划”总共奖励了4美元.9500万美元用于全州22个县的创新型公司.

皮特县的三家企业, 生命科学, 收到约220美元,3个奖项的总金额为1万美元.

  • Epigenos Biosciences公司.格林维尔(Greenville): 69,982美元.00 to develop genetic therapies to be used in the treatment of colorectal cancer. 这个STTR项目由美国国立卫生研究院赞助, 卫生与公众服务部.
  • 格林维尔的Perfusio公司:7.5万美元.00 to develop a non-contact medical imaging device for collecting vital signs that improves clinical visit safety and improves patient care. 这个SBIR项目由美国国立卫生研究院赞助, 卫生与公众服务部.
  • 克拉拉黛尔制药公司.温特维尔(Winterville): 7.5万美元.写一部小说, small molecule immunotherapeutic therapy to be used pre-treatment to make more effective the current treatment of melanoma. This STTR project from the National Institutes of Health, 卫生与公众服务部.

“Support for early-stage technology companies pays off in better jobs, 更多的投资, and new ways to make our state a great place to live and do business,州长罗伊·库珀说. “的se small businesses are tackling society’s most pressing challenges in many areas, 包括生命科学, 国防, 清洁能源. 创新的小公司推动增长和竞争, 保持经济健康发展,提高生活质量.”

一个北卡罗来纳小企业项目, 成立于2005年, provides state grants to companies that are pursuing or have won federal awards through two highly competitive federal programs, the Small Business 创新 Research (SBIR) and Small Business 技术 Transfer (STTR) programs. 这些联邦项目, 被称为美国种子基金,™ support small businesses that are developing technologies with a high potential for commercialization. 的 SBIR and STTR programs are the single largest source of early-stage technology development and commercialization funding for small businesses—more than $3.70亿美元.

“创新推动我们的经济向前发展, 小企业是最好的创新孵化器,北卡罗来纳州商务部长米歇尔·贝克·桑德斯说. “一个北卡罗来纳小企业项目 has supported the state’s small technology businesses for many years and I’m proud we’ve been able to extend the program’s reach and boost the number of small companies engaged with the program.”

在新一轮融资中,政府发放了两种类型的拨款, 奖励奖助金及配合奖助金.

Incentive grants support qualified 北卡罗莱纳 businesses as they prepare and submit SBIR or STTR proposals to federal agencies, helping offset some of the costs of developing these complex proposals. 的 Incentive program aims to increase the number and quality of proposals submitted for the federal grants, and to encourage broader geographic diversity among the 北卡罗莱纳 businesses that apply.

Matching grants award funds to 北卡罗莱纳 small businesses who have already received a federal Phase I SBIR or STTR award, 目的是填补联邦基金留下的缺口, 吸引后续投资, and encouraging the businesses to grow their presence in 北卡罗莱纳. 的 state matching funds leveraged more than $16 million in federal funds during this round.

This year represents the most geographically diverse cohort in the history of the One 北卡罗莱纳 Small Business Program, with companies in 22 counties—from Brunswick to Yadkin—receiving awards. 的 variety of projects funded was also the most diverse in the program’s history, with grantees receiving funding from 10 different federal agencies (out of 11 agencies that participate in the SBIR/STTR programs). 另外, the number of first-time applicants receiving awards was the highest since the One 北卡罗莱纳 Small Business Program was established.

一个北卡罗来纳小企业项目 is administered by the 北卡罗莱纳 Department of Commerce on behalf of the 北卡罗莱纳 Board of Science, 技术 & 创新.

“Recognizing the continued importance of fostering innovation statewide, this year the Board took deliberate action to create a larger and geographically diverse cohort,里克·韦伯说, 董事会外联主席 & 拨款委员会. “委员会的行动正在更多的城市和县取得成果. 对这个项目的需求非常强劲,而且还在不断增长, 随着资金的增加, we can help 北卡罗莱纳 companies stay competitive as other states start to offer similar support for their small businesses.”

自2006年以来, the One 北卡罗莱纳 Small Business Program has helped just over 400 companies across the state develop and bring to market hundreds of high-tech products. 北卡罗莱纳 is among a handful of innovative states that have chosen to bolster their economy this way. 的 Program’s grants support small businesses at a critical stage of their growth, shortening the time needed from technology development to the point where they become large, 成功的企业. Many recipients have said the grants were the vital injection of capital they needed to put their companies on a successful trajectory.

该计划一直负责帮助创建1,北卡罗来纳提供1000个工作岗位, the development and commercialization of hundreds of high-tech products, and the generation of more than $2 billion in follow-on capital investments.

的 entire list of One 北卡罗莱纳 Small Business Program awardees can be reviewed at the Commerce website.

有关该程序的其他信息,请参见 商务.nc.gov/grants-incentives/technology-funds/one-north-carolina-small-business-program

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